What the ethnic conference wanted
Why did they hold the ethnic nationalities conference, 14-16 September?
The following excerpts from the first day’s speeches and presentations delivered by the participants, as SHAN heard, will provide some, if not all, the answers.
N Banla
We are holding this conference to show that we want to resolve political problems through political means.
Hkun Okker
The aim is for all of us to speak in one voice.
Khaing Ye Khaing
If we are not going to do anything, we will be forced to return from the negotiating table to the battlefield.
Zing Cung
The present situation offers us the best opportunity to collectively put forward our just demands.
Saw Hla Ngwe
We are hoping for the best, but we are still getting the worst.
Nang Khurh Hsen
When will the armed struggle end? The day when the weeping sounds of our people subside.
Dr Lian H.Sakhong
If we cannot negotiate on equal terms, we cannot hope to achieve equal status.
Pu Lian Uk
The legislative powers of the states (in Burma) are even less than those of the districts in Mizoram (India).
Saw Mra Raza Lin
No women, No peace.
Nyi Nyi Lwin
For the reorganization of the armed forces, we should return to the Kandy Agreement (7 September 1945, when non-Burman units were allowed to form).
Zin Cung
If we have joint general staff, we will be able to prevent future coups.
Tags: News, Politics