Statement from the 2nd Civil Society Forum for Peace
Statement from the 2nd Civil Society Forum for Peace
13th September 2012
We are civil society organisations representing multi-ethnic, multi-religious peoples from all around the country. Recognizing that we are not the government, we, as the people of Myanmar, we would like to see the Union of Myanmar flourish to become a modern and developed nation, with democracy and full respect for human rights and support for the emergence of an open and transparent civil society based on sustainable peace. The 2nd Civil Society Forum for Peace was convened in Yangon on 11th-13th September 2012, in order to collectively realize these points. We issue these following statements:
1) We will exert our full efforts and abilities to bring peoples’ perspectives and needs for peace to the peace table.
2) Exerting our full abilities and capacities, we aim to expand, to our full potential, our space for participation in the peace process.
3) We commit to strive for equal participation and contribution of women and men in peace process, to work for bringing the different needs of women and men, and addressing gender issues in peace talks.
4) We commit to analyzing the effects and impacts of the peace process, and ensure collaboration, wherever possible, with all key stakeholders whilst unfailingly maintaining our full identities and position at all times.
5) We urge Myanmar Tatmadaw and all armed groups to ensure that democratic principles and human rights are being fully respected and applied at all times.
In addition, we put forward the following points to be addressed:
1) To ensure that regional civil societies, including national experts, are invited to participate in every step of the peace process.
2) As a symbolic gesture and indicator of trust during this peace process, we appeal to the President to review cases of persons imprisoned under the Unlawful Associations Act 17(1) and 17(2) and release those worthy to be considered for pardon.
3) Peace zones must be established in areas of ongoing conflict and ceasefire areas as determined by relevant parties.
4) Unconditional access to conflict areas must be secured for humanitarian assistance.
5) Reaching ceasefire agreements and peace agreements is not the final solution to conflict, but rather, in order to find sustainable solutions we urge the design of a process that includes effective public participation.
6) We require the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the armed groups to take responsibility for respecting and protecting human rights, and to be accountable for maintaining freedom from exploitation and destruction of public life and property, at all times. We sincerely make these recommendations.
13th September 2012
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