Democracy Award Week Schedule of Events
Thursday, 20 September 2012 10:48
Democracy Award Week
Schedule of Events
Monday, Sept. 17
10:00-11:00 Briefing Award recipients on the week’s activities @ NED building
12:00-1:30 Meet NGO community work on Burma Issue @ NED
Representatives of Human Rights Watch, US Campaign for Burma, Open Society Foundation, Freedom House and Project 2049
3:00-4:00 Democracy Award recipients meet with NED staffs from different Department @ NED
More than 60 staff attended there
4:30-5:30 Meeting with Assistant Secretary Michael Posner @ US State Department
5:30-6:30 Meeting with Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs @ US State Department
- 1)Joseph Yun (Deputy Assistant Secretary), 2) Patrick Murphy (Special Reps. to Burma), 3) Derek Mitchell (Ambassador) and plus two
Tuesday, Sept. 18 (Dr. Cynthia Mg begins joining the delegation)
9:00-10:00 Hkun Htun Oo live interviewed with VOA U Kyaw San Dar
Will air tomorrow
11:00-12:00 Meet staffs of several Bureau of the US Department State
2:00-3:30 Washington Post (WP) Editorial Board Meeting @ Washington Post
With only 3 from WP and 4 recipients plus 3 NED staffs
4:00-5:30 Meet with NED's President Carl Gershman
5:30-6:00 Interview with BBC/DVB plus others
Wednesday, Sept. 19
NED Public Roundtable with Democracy Award Recipients—“Advancing
Democracy in Burma: New Opportunities and Challenges”@ NED
Around 150 people signed up
12:00-1:00 Press Lunchwith world media @ NED
3:00-4:15 Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony honoring Daw Aung San Suu Kyi*
@ Capitol Hill
Democracy Award's recipients will join the ceremony
6:00/7:00 NDI-IRI Reception/Dinner with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi*
Around 100 people might attend (Not sure whether HHO will join the dinner)
7:00 - [Tentative] meet with Shan community live in the East Coast of the US
Thursday, Sept. 20
9:00-10:30 Democracy Award recipients visit & interview with RFA
3:00-4:00 NED Democracy Award Ceremony @ Capitol Hill—Room HC-5)
4:00-5:00 NED Democracy Award Reception @ Capitol Hill—Room HC-5)
7:00 Czech Embassy-NED Dinner @ Embassy of the Czech Republic
Around 100 people might attend, HHO is requested to join
Friday, Sept. 21
10:00-11:00 Meet House Staff – Jeremy Woodrum in 2456 Rayburn
1:00-2:00 Meet Senate Women's Caucus on Burma – hosted by Rich Harper, Sen. Feinstein's Office
4:00-5:00 Meet with Ambassador Verveer @ US State Department
*Not a NED sponsored event
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