Burma's ethnic states await outcome of Scottish referendum
Scotland Decides for Independence or Better together
Scotland decides for “Yes Independence” or “No, thanks we
are better together”. The Ethnic States in Burma, the Kachin and the Shan
States are waiting interestingly to see the outcome of this referendum.
I am not a Scottish nor English by nationalities, but as
a Shan British citizen, I am familiar with both the situation of Scotland and
the ethnic States in Burma. I was born in the nineteen thirties, when the Shan
States were under the protection of Great Britain. In spite of being colonised,
the Shan States was peaceful, where there were good governance, law and order
and most of all the right of internal self-determination. In Central Burma too
the Burmans stopped fighting with and bullying others. When the British, left
things deteriorated and by 1962 hell broke loose.
In the case of Scotland, at least the people of Scotland
have a choice to decide whether they want independence or stay together, where
as neither the Kachin nor the Shan State are fortunate enough to have that
freedom of choice. The Shan States, according to the “Panglong Agreement had
the right to secede, so the Burmese Military by force of arms invaded the Shan
States to stop the Shan States from secession from the Union, although the
Federated Shan States were not intending to.
The Scots and the English have fought several
international wars together for more than 300 years, and they are part of what
had made Britain great. They have explored and conquered and together became
the British Empire. They have made mistakes, but the British have always try to
learn from the past. It has one of the best democracy and Parliament in the
world, although they are not perfect. The people enjoy freedom, which is
lacking in many countries of the world.
I can also understand why Scotland wants independence,
but if Scotland becomes independence, both countries will become chaotic
especially in the financial and industrial institutes, as seen by the gradual
falling of the sterling pounds recently. Although different in nationalities I
am sure the ordinary Scottish and the English peoples as a whole have the same
values, and both English and Scots work and live in each other's countries. It
will be sad to use the differences in nationalities and the past grievance to
divide the UK into two.
No doubt the present Government in White Hall needs to
change their policies: to think of people as humans rather than commodities,
and make societies more equal. After all, people just need enough food, shelter
and jobs to be happy and contented. In order to make the world a happier place
the British Government will also have to change their Foreign policies, be
stricter and more consistent in their principles when dealing with all rogue
Governments, and not sell arms to them, and refrain from supporting them for
its own economic reasons at the expense of human rights victims. They should
realise that crimes are crimes and terrorists are terrorists whether they hide
behind the curtain called Governments just because they have powerful weapons.
It would be good if Scotland continues to be a member of
United Kingdom and together, the United Kingdom can teach the world to be a
better place, not by colonisation but by examples of high principles and
values, especially in the present troubled times all over the world. Many Scots
that came to the Shan States during the 1886-1948 had good reputation of being
excellent administrators and advisers to the local Sao Hpas of the Shan States.
Why then do I want the Shan State to be independent from
Burma Proper? It is because the Burmese military has treated and treating all
the ethnic nationalities most atrociously since 1962, and their desire to
control other ethnic nationalities by force of arms has not altered. They are
still attacking ethnic armies and villagers in spite of the cease- fire
process.. The ethnic nationalities are still subjected to extreme suppression,
they have no rights of freedom, equality or self-determination- in fact they
have no voice or rights at all.
In Burma, if the Ethnic Nationalities have the same
privileges that Scotland has as member of the United Kingdom then there would
be no reason why the Shans would want to secede from the Union of Burma. The
more force the Burmese Military regime uses, the more the people of the ethnic
States will rebel. It is human nature. Peace and reconciliation can come to
Burma only when the Burmese Military/politician can mend their superior and
authoritative attitude towards other ethnic nationalities. Until now the
Burmese Military have not yet shown any remorse or regret for the criminal and
terrorist acts they have committed against countless ethnic citizens of Burma
and they have not shown anything attractive for the ethnic nationalities to
want to work with them.
The contributor is the daughter of the ruling
prince of Lawksawk and the author of “My Vanishing World”.
Tags: Opinion