Myanmar’s Hydropower Energy Waiting To Be Explored. Are you in?

Home to the drainage basins of four large rivers; the Ayeyarwaddy, Chindwin, Thanlwin, and Sittaung, Myanmar is blessed with its abundant hydropower resource. The country’s power supply relies heavily on hydropower that currently contributing close to 69% of its total installed capacity. Hydropower is also one of the key sectors that lure foreign direct investments, with $8.2 billion being funnelled into the country within 2010 and 2011. The Ministry of Electricity and Energy is in plans of implementing a large number of hydropower projects due to the sky rocket demand of power supply throughout the country.
Figure 1-4: Major Rivers & Existing Major Hydropower Schemes in the Union of Myanmar
Figure 1-4
Figure Table
(source: Myanmar Energy Master Plan 2016)
Quick Facts on Hydropower in Myanmar
World Bank reported that Myanmar has more than 100 GW of recognised theoretical potential, 46 GW of feasible potential has been identified for possible development and a number of 43 dams are under construction or planning.
The annual inflow of water resources is 1,081.3 cubic kilometres (km3) and current percentage of annual usage of water cultivation is 6%.
Ministry of Electricity and Energy will build an additional of 13 hydropower plants up to 2020 with a total capacity of 2,572 MW. Local enterprises will develop 9 hydropower plants with a total capacity of 580 MW. Joint ventures with foreign investors are planned for the development of 44 hydropower projects totalling 42,150 MW.
At present, the Electricity Supply Enterprise has 32 small and medium hydropower stations – generally ranging between 1 MW and 10 MW in capacity- all of which have been built by the government outside the Grid system supplying electricity to the rural areas.


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