Weekly Diary, No.602 (15-21 September 2012)
Monday, 24 September 2012 19:26
Tips to Naypyitaw: Peace talks can get lost in translation too!
Think Piece
There have been some agreements and concessions already, but to implement them will take time.
Thierry Falise, photojournalist, talking about his book Burmese Shadows, Bangkok Post, 16 September 2012
We are weak where it comes to negotiated compromise. It’s not part of our society or culture.
Aung San Suu Kyi, VOA, 19 September 2012
MOGE (Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise) alone doesn’t have the authority to sign a production sharing contract. How can you say MOGE is not transparent?
San Lwin, consultant to Cnooc Myanmar Ltd, Bloomberg, 18 September 2012
The World
15-21 September 2012
On the one side are people who think they have right to provoke others. On the other side are people who think the Creator is behind them in their struggle against the ungodly world. The result is a world less and less liveable. (SHAN)
International Relations
13 September 2012
Wu Bangguo, Chairman of the Standing Committee of National People’s Congress, during talks with lower house speaker Shwe Mann, discuses the two countries should continue to advance large projects such as the oil and gas pipeline project. (Xinhua/ Mizzima)
16 September 2012
Suu Kyi begins 17-day trip to the US. (Press Association UK)
18 September 2012
Bertil Lintner, no longer officially banned from entering Burma, is still not able to get a visa to enter Burma. 4 other journalists he knows have met with a similar response. (Irrawaddy)
18 September 2012
Aung San Suu Kyi, who is on a visit to the US, says under the present constitution the army can always take over. “We cannot say that it’s irreversible. But I don’t we need fear a reversal too much either.” (VOA)
18 September 2012
She does not think “we should depend on US sanctions to keep up the momentum of our new democracy,” says visiting Aung San Suu Kyi. (New York Times)
19 September 2012
Burma, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, meeting in Hanoi last week consider implementing a single visa to reach a target of 25 million visitors from 2013 to 2015. (Travel Daily News)
19 September 2012
The US removes sanctions that block any US assets of President Thein Sein and Lower House Speaker Shwe Mann. (Reuters)
19 September 2012
President Obama welcomes Aung San Suu Kyi to the Oval Office. (New York Times)
20 September 2012
US House of Representatives backs legislation that will allow the country to provide aid to Burma through World Bank, Asian Development Bank and International Monetary Fund. The bill still has to pass the Senate. (AP)
20 September 2012
5 activists honored with Democracy Award: Hkun Htun Oo, Kyaw Thu, Dr Cynthia Maung, Aung Din and Min Ko Naing (in absentia). All say they were accepting the awards on behalf of the movement. (Mizzima)
Thai-Burma Relations
14 September 2012
National Security Council Secretary General Wichean Potephosree, who visited Naypyitaw last week and met Aung Min, says the Burmese government is clearing minefields along the border, preparing to build shelters and other infrastructure to be ready within one year. It also says Burma wants Thais to invest in building industrial estates to employ the returnees. (Mizzima)
18 September 2012
Burma frees 83 Thais, who are among the 514 pardoned. (Bangkok Post)
21 September 2012
Migrants could face deportation if they fail to register under the Thai government’s National Verification Program before 14 December, says director of Chiangmai employment office Panwadee Ploytabtim. (IRIN/Mizzima)
Politics/ Inside Burma
13 September 2012
Civil Society Forum for Peace, held in Rangoon, vows “to bring people’s perspectives and needs for peace to the peace table” and urges all those concern to design “a process that includes effective public participation.” (Statement)
14 September 2012
The National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB) dissolves itself after being formed 22 years ago. As Aung San Suu Kyi is leading the national reconciliation process with the regime, the NCGUB “believes its presence is inappropriate.” (Irrawaddy)
17 September 2012
Announcement on the President’s website says 514 prisoners have been released. It does not include their names, but NLD source says many of them are political prisoners. (New York Times)
Ethnic Affairs
15 September 2012
Kachin spokesman La Nan calls for end of operations in his state. (News International)
16 September 2012
Ethnic Conference reaches alternative 6 point roadmap, calling on the government to amend the constitution outside the military-dominated parliament. (SHAN)
12 September 2012
Ethnic Nationalities Council (ENC) urges groups that have made ceasefire agreements to put-on-hold their current meetings on negotiations with the government if the Burma Army continues its offensives against the Kachin. (KIC)
14 September 2012
Arakan League for Democracy (ALD) calls for mergence with Rakhine Nationalities Development Party. (Narinjara)
18 September 2012
Kachin Alliance USA issues open letter that it has turned down invitation to attend the Congressional award ceremony for opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. It cannot “participate in this joyous occasion” while their kinsmen are going through “untold miseries”. (KNG)
19 September 2012
Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) spokesman La Nan says it has rejected invitation by U Aung Min on 25 August to hold peace talks in Naypyiatw. “It is impossible to meet in the capital while its HQ remains under Siege.” Aung Min meanwhile says Gen Soe Win connot go anywhere like him. (Irrawaddy)
Shans/ Shan State
17 September 2012
20 Shan State Army (SSA) men detained by United Wa State Army (UWSA) released and returned to the border, following talks yesterday. (SHAN)
19 September 2012
Following Aung San Suu Kyi’s appeal to the US to lift sanctions, Hkun Htun Oo, also visiting Washington, says she has been “neutralized” and “no longer speaks for the rights of the people.” (Irrawaddy)
Economy/ Business
18 September 2012
U Soe Thane, Chairman of the Myanmar Investment Commission, says President Thein Sein has decided to return the legislation to parliament for further amendment when it reconvenes in late October. (FT)
Human Rights
17 September 2012
Burma forms interim press council made up of 27 members, about two-thirds of which are journalists: It is headed by retired Supreme Court judge Khin Maung Aye. (Irrawaddy)
18 September 2012
Among the 514 released prisoners are 88 political prisoners. (AAPP)
18 September 2012
New Light of Myanmar reports a provisional Myanmar Press Council (MPC) has been formed to consider media affairs before a new media law is enacted. Retired Supreme Court Judge Khin Maung Aye is chairman, noted journalist Soe Thein, vice chairman, and chief editor of The Voice Weekly Kyaw Min Swe, secretary. (Mizzima)
19 September 2012
Human Rights Watch urges Burma to support a joint monitoring mechanism to determine which prisoners are being held for exercising their basic rights under international law. (Human Rights Watch)
19 September 2012
At least 300 political prisoners remain behind bars in Burma, according to the latest data by Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP). (DVB)
19 September 2012
Activist Soe Tun says police informed him that passport applications made by 16 of his members 5-6 months ago have been approved. (AP)
19 September 2012
5 mosques in Sittwe were demolished by bulldozers a forth night after the violence ended. A few mosques allowed to remain standing appear to be in tourist areas. (Times UK)
20 September 2012
The Voice editor Kyaw Min Swe and his publisher, charged with defamation, go to court. (AFP)
17 September 2012
Burma, together with Venezuela and Columbia, “failed demonstrably” in fighting against drugs, but it will be granted a “national interest waiver” for development aid because of its ongoing democratic reforms. It has been ‘blacklisted’ since 2002. (Mizzima/AP)
18 September 2012
In Taunggyi the drug of choice is known as formula – a potent cocktail of cough medicine and opium that is taken as a drink – though meth and heroin are also popular. (Bangkok Post)
20 September 2012
Naw Kham and 5 other suspects go on trial in Kunming. (Xin)
20 Sepember 2012
Naw Kham’s 5 co-accused admit charges against them and say the 5 October attack on 2 Chinese ships was planned and led by Naw Kham. The 5 are:
Zha Bo from Myanmar
Zha Tuobo from Myanmar
Sangkang Zhasa (Hsang Kham) Thai/Lao
Zha Xika Thai/Lao
Yi Lai Stateless
21 September 2012
Deputy PM Yutthasak Sasriprapha denies Thai soldiers were responsible for the deadly attacks against two Chinese cargoships on 5 October. (Bangkok Post)
22 September 2012
Naw Kham begs for leniency and expressing penitence to the victims and their families in court. Sentencing is to take place following review by a collegiate bench. (Xinhua)
18 September 2012
Burma Army shells KIA positions 7 miles south west of Laiza with 105 mm howitzer most of the day. (DVB)
20 September 2012
UK and France are believed to have begun the process of re-accrediting military attaches to Burma, withdrawn as a result of sanctions, according to European diplomats. Talks between US and Burma have focused on proposals for non-military training and exchange of visits at commander level. A decision has yet to be made concerning Burma’s request to be given observer status at regional US and multilateral military exercises.
The relationship could trend toward a comprehensive partnership or even go strategic after 2015. Privately, US and other Western officials have praised some of its military leaders particularly the commander-in-chief Min Aung Hlaing. (Financial Times)
21 September 2012
U Aung Min, who is in Washington, guarantees there will be no open season offensive. (VOA/Mizzima)
22 September 2012
Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) says since June 2011, the two sides have suffered high casualties:
Burma Army 10,000 killed (estimate)
KIA 700 killed
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