Reshuffles in the military, war goes on
Not only the government, but the military has been busy shuffling its commanders since the beginning of September, according to a source close to the War Office on Friday.
At least 5 regional commanders and a number of Bureau of Special Operations (BSO) chiefs and division commanders have been moved to new jobs. They include:
- Maj Gen Zeya Aung Commander, Northern Region Command-to-Minister, Railway Transport
- Brig Gen Aung Kyaw Zaw Commander, Notheastern Region Command-to-Commander, Southern Region Command
Their former commands were taken over by Central Eastern Region Command Commander Brig Gen Tun Tun Naung and head of the armed forces technical school Brig Gen Aung Soe respectively.
Aung Kyaw Zaw (Photo: SHAN)
Meanwhile, the Shan State Army (SSA) South also reported clashes in Tong Lao, Mongkeung township, Shan State South; and Mong Pu, Mongpiang township, Shan State East on Friday, 7 September.
“We are also fighting alongside the SSA North (against the Burma Army offensive) in Shan State North,” the officer confirmed.
Burma and China have been jointly building oil and gas pipelines through Arakan, Magway, Mandalay and Shan State North. They are scheduled for completion by next year. The projects have been disrupted because of continued fighting in Shan State North.
Both SSA factions have signed ceasefire agreements with Naypyitaw in December (for SSA South) and January (for SSA South). Both claim the ceasefire agreements have been breached by the Burma Army.
Regarding continued fighting, the following is an excerpt from the New Light of Myanmar, 21 August 2012:
U Sai Thiha Kyaw of Mongyal Constituency (SNDP) raised a question as to why in spite of cease-fire agreements being signed fighting was continuing between government forces and the armed ethnic groups. (30th day session)
- Union Minister for Railways and Vice-Chairman of the Peace-making Work Committee U Aung Min responded the issue of national races armed groups and national races dates back since independence and bilateral efforts are required to move past reservation on both sides to uncover the truth. It is simply not easy to solve the six-decade old problems over night. The President has instructed the implementation of three steps at region/state level, Union level and Union Assembly level respectively to bring about internal peace.
Though ceasefire agreements out of five points in region/state level agreements have been reached with national races armed groups, other points such as stationing in places under bilateral agreement, prohibition of going other places with arms except within the designated places, opening of liaison offices at suitable places (without arms) are still under negotiation. He has concluded that there have been armed engagements in Shan State because there have not been designated places for both sides’ armies and a liaison office has not yet opened. Such problems would vanish after step-by-step implementation of peacemaking polices adopted by the President. The Union Peace-making Work Committee would carry out the peace process as early as possible.
Tags: News, War