Alternative peace roadmap

Alternative peace roadmap approved by Ethnic Nationalities Conference
(14-16 September 2012)
Unofficial translation
  1. To hold a forum participated by ethnic armed movements, political parties and civil society organizations (CSOs) including women and youth groups to discuss and agree upon a Framework for Political Dialogue
  2. (a) To hold a meeting between representatives of the Union government and the ethnic armed movements to discuss and reach a decision upon the Framework for Political Dialogue
    (b) To hold the said meeting at a venue acceptable to both parties
    (c) To form a non-partisan international monitoring group to oversee both the negotiations and implementation of the agreements. Agreements made at each round of negotiations must also be made public jointly
  3. Following agreement upon the Framework for Political Dialogue between the government and the ethnic armed movements, to hold public consultations of each ethnic nationality in each state and region
  4. To hold a nationwide conference participated by representatives from ethnic armed organizations, political parties and CSOs, and academics
  5. To hold a Union conference attended by equal number of representatives from the ethnic armed organizations, democratic forces and the government based on the Panglong Spirit; and to sign a Union Accord
  6. The timeframe for the peace process should be discussed and agreed upon by both parties in advance (government and armed movements)
The 3 day meeting also agreed on a 3 phase peace process:
  • Ceasefire
  • Implementation of ceasefire agreements (instead of “development as proposed by the government)
  • Political Dialogue
Note    The conveners, so far, have yet to publish the alternative peace plan and the 6 point peace roadmap.


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