HAPPENINGS IN APRIL: Burma still muddling through the peace process?
The month of April hasn't yet end, but quite a lot of important
happening has already taken place, which might be crucial in shaping the
political future of the country.
They are: the April 1, by-elections; April 6 to 11 President Htin Kyaw's
China visit; March 14 to April 7, Karen National Union (KNU) Congress; April 8
to 9 United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC) and Nationwide Ceasefire
Agreement (NCA)-signatory 7 Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs) meeting; April
11, Peace Talks discussion between the State Counselor and the rural youth at
Myanmar International Convention Center in Naypyitaw; and April 15
ongoing in Pangkham conference among NCA-non-signatory 7 EAOs.
Now let us look at briefly on each of the happening a bit to later
determine on how they could impact on the peace process situation as a whole.
The by-election
for 19 seats in Burma’s parliament were held on April 1, 2017, which was
contested by 94 candidates [18 each from the Nationalities League for Democracy
(NLD) and Union Solidarity Development Party (USDP), 51 from different ethnic
political parties and seven individual candidates] from 24 political parties.
Accordingly, the NLD secured
nine (47 percent) out of 19 vacant constituencies, followed by the Shan
Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD), with six seats (32 per cent), the
Union Solidarity and Development Party with two seats (11 per cent) and the
Arakan National Party (ANP) and the All Nationalities Democracy Party (ANDP)
with one seat (5 percent) each. (Source: Asia Foundation – April 12, 2017)
President Htin Kyaw's China
President Htin Kyaw's China
visit from April 6 to 11 was generally taken as a successful trip, as he held
bilateral talks with President Xi Jinping and met with Premier Li Keqiang of
the State Council, and Chairman Zhang Dejiang of the Standing Committee of the
National People’s Congress separately on April 10, 2017, followed by the two
leaders (Presidents) attending the signing ceremony of cooperation agreements
between Myanmar and the People’s Republic of China.
“A total of (9) MoUs,
Agreements and Exchange of Letters were successfully inked, namely Agreement on
China’s grant for economic and technical cooperation of RMB Yuan (1) billion to
Myanmar to implement projects in economic developments and living standard
improvement of Myanmar people including education, rural development and other
fields; Cooperation in the Field of Forestry; Cooperation in Seafarers
Training, Education and Development; Cooperation in Medical Technic Training
Centre and Disease Control; Technical Cooperation Project Regarding the 29th
South East Asian Games; Crude Oil Transportation Agreement and implementation
of Development of Deep Sea Port Project and Industrial Park in Kyauk Phyu
Special Economic Zone,” according to the press release issued by the Myanmar Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of April 13, 2017.
“Furthermore, they discussed
on the matters of maintaining peace and stability and development of the border
areas, continuation of China’s constructive support for the peace process of
Myanmar and further pursuance of 2+2 high level consultations led by Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defense. China also expressed its support
toward Myanmar Government’s efforts for the national reconciliation and peace,
promoting democratic transition, improving socio-economic lives of the Myanmar
people,” according to the press release.
The outstanding point to be
noticed is that the mentioning of the leaders also cordially discussed about
the ongoing infrastructure projects including oil and gas pipelines and
Kyauk-Phyu Special Economic Zone and Deep Sea Port.
Apart from that the usual
diplomatic niceties such as “the importance of advancing “Comprehensive
Cooperative Strategic Partnership Relations” based on the Five Principles of
Peaceful Co-existence and existing “Pauk-Phaw” friendship; promoting diverse
cooperation between the two countries particularly for the benefit of the two
peoples,” were stressed.
16th KNU Congress
The KNU 16th
Congress that began March 14 and ended on April 7, in Law Khee Lah, again re-elected KNU
chairman Saw Mutu Say Poe, former general secretary Saw Kwe Htoo Win elected as
vice chairman, former central executive committee member Saw Ta Doh Moo to
become the general secretary, Padoh
Hser Pwe (also known as Saw Steve) elected as joint secretary 1 and Padoh Saw
Hla Tun elected as joint secretary 2.
Experienced leaders such as
former vice chairperson Naw Zipporah Sein, former joint secretaries Saw Thaw
Thee Bwe and Padoh Mahn Mahn, and Gen Saw Baw Kyaw Heh, vice chief-of-staff of
the KNU’s armed wing the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), were not
re-elected to the KNU’s central standing committee.
In short, the so-called
hard-liner or “idealist faction” headed by Naw Zipporah Sein lose out to the
government-friendly or “pragmatic and business-oriented” faction of Saw Mutu
Say Poe, effectively denying any position in its 60 representative Central Standing
Committee (CSC).
Karen sources said
that the old KNU leadership was split on two major different positions held
towards how the peace talks should proceed. While the chairperson General Mutu
Say Po group has voiced support for having closer engagement with government
groups and the military, Padoh Naw Zipporah Sein’s faction had taken a more
cautious approach and pushed for political settlement before mega development
projects were given the green light, according to the Karen News report of
April 8.
However, KIC reported on
April 11 that Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and Karen Natioal Defense
Organization (KNDO) vowed to fall in line with the KNU leadership during the
meeting between commanders. Regarding this, KNLA first rate commander G1, Saw
Tamala Thaw Ka said: “We have the the responsibility to to follow the political
leadership of the KNU. Regarding this, it is our opinion that all the KNU
political and policy directives will be implemented accordingly.”
Not surprisingly, the Union Solidarity and
Development Party (USDP) congratulated newly-elected leaders of the KNU
following the victory of the Mutu Say Poe in the election. Mutu has forged a
close relationship with the former President Thein Sein and as well, the
commander-in-Chief Min Aung Hlaing.
With the signature of USDP
chairman U Than Htay, the party released the congratulation notice on
April 9, stating that the party was pleased and proud of the leaders who were
elected during the KNU’s 16th Congress.
UNFC and NCA-signatory 7 EAOs
The UNFC meeting from April 3
to 5 in Chiang Mai basically resolved the crucial question of whether the KIO
and SSPP would opt for Pangkham initiated approach of not making use of the
government preferred NCA-based peace process or follows the UNFC's line of
amending the NCA according to its 9-point proposal with the government and
continue the peace process.
The understanding seems to be
that the KIO and SSPP would cooperate militarily with Pangkham and politically
with the UNFC.
Following this, the NCA
signatory and non-signatory 14 EAOs of some 60 participants met in Chiang Mai
from April 8 to 9 to iron out policy matters regarding the ongoing peace
All members of UNFC that have yet to sign the NCA, the
Kachin Independence Organization (KIO); the Shan State Progress Party (SSPP);
the New Mon State Party (NMSP); the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP);
the Arakan National Council (ANC); the Lahu Democratic Union (LDU); and the Wa
National Organization (WNO) were present.
Seven signatories of the NCA that also attended
the meeting were the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS); the Chin
National Front (CNF); the PNLO; the Democratic Karen Benevolence Army (DKBA);
the Karen National Liberation Army – Peace Council (KNLA-PC); the Arakan
Liberation Party (ALP); and the All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF).
However, the Karen National
Union did not attend because its own congress was in progress.
The attending EAOs agreed to
cooperate on drafting the basic principles for building a federal union, the
Panglong Manual or Panglong Handbook as a political principle guidelines, that
were tabled earlier during the Mai Ja Yang EAOs' conference last year. Apart
from that, the meeting resolutions also mention agreement on drafting the issues
of security affairs or formation of a
federal union army and Joint Committee for Budget of Peace Process (JCB),
Policies and Programmes on Transitional Matters.
Peace Talk with the rural youth
On April 11, State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi held peace talk with the
rural youth in Naypyitaw for the third time, the first was in January 1, in
Naypyitaw and the second, in Panglong on February 12 (Union Day) this year. She
said in the future this would be undertaken to meet the youth every three
During the discussion Suu Kyi emphasized the fact that the rural areas
are the backbone of the country as they are made up of 70 percent of the
country's territory, which was attended by 12 youths – 5 Bamar and 7 non-Bamar
ethnic nationalities which included Kachin, Shan, Kokang, Karen, Pao-O, Mon and
Palaung - from the different parts of the country.
She took the opportunity to send her often reiterated message to the
EAOs that have yet to sign the NCA by saying that the peace talks were always
open to the all the groups, but that it was not possible to wait for all to
sign in order to hold the second Panglong peace conference, roughly scheduled
to take place within the first or second week of May.
“The groups who have already signed can be involved fully, and the
groups who have not signed yet can become involved to some extent. We will give
a chance for all to be involved,” said Suu Kyi, according to the report of
April 11 from the Myanmar Ministry of Information.
She further stressed: “The most important thing is to exchange views and
negotiate on different views. They have the right to see things differently,
but have a responsibility to adjust. So that we can get peace based on
different views and can make the same goals for peace. The country will be stable
when there is rule of law. Rule of law is important for reconciliation so that
it is a value for peace.”
Most of the youths participating the peace talk expressed their desire
to achieve peace so that their daily lives could be improved. However, only one
significant message was aired, when Ma Phyu Sin Pwint from Namhsan Township,
northern Shan State in the Palaung Self-administered Zone, said there was much
fighting in her region that hurt many people. She wanted to ask the armed
groups on how to achieve peace quickly. She also wanted to ask the Tatmadaw
when the armed groups will be allowed to sign, according to the same report
from the Myanmar Ministry of Information.
Pangkham Conference
Panghsang now officially known as Pangkham held the 7 non-signatory EAOs
meeting for the second time within this year from April 15 to 19.
Earlier, the 7 EAOs, United Wa State Party/Army (UWSP/UWSA),
United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA), Kachin Independence
Organization/Army (KIO/KIA), Palaung State Liberation Front/Ta’ang National
Liberation Army (PSLF/TNLA), Myanmar National Truth and Justice Party/Myanmar
National Democratic Alliance Army (MNTJP/MNDAA), Peace and Solidarity
Committee/National Democratic Alliance Army (PSC/NDAA) and Shan State Progress Party/Shan
State Army (SSPP/SSA) held a meeting from February 22 to 24, stating that a
committee would be formed to lead the peace negotiation process with the
government, which would not be within the mold of NCA-based peace process.
The 7 EAOs, numbering 27 representatives met in Wa State, Pangkham from
April 15 to 19, hosted by the UWSP/UWSA and supported by the PSC/NDAA.
Following the end of the meeting, an eight-point statement, signed by
the ethnic armed revolutionary leaders - fourth Pangkham meeting, was issued as
The ethnic armed
revolutionary leaders fourth meeting officially confirmed the “Political
Negotiation Committee” to “Union Political Negotiation Committee” (UPNC) to
negotiate with the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
UPNC and the lists of
secretariat and negotiation representatives under it are confirmed.
Rules and regulations of
the UNPD are confirmed.
The “ethnic armed
revolutionary organizations general principles and position on political
negotiation” is confirmed as a common position negotiation document and would
be used in negotiation with the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
UPNC fund is contributed
by all as agreed upon.
The 7 meeting participant
organizations are founders of the UPNC and the door is always open for any
ethnic armed revolutionary organization, political party and influential
individual, that accepts the rules and
regulations of the “ethnic armed revolutionary organizations general principles
and position on political negotiation,” announced during the third Pangkham
The organizations that
participated in the Wa State meeting have tabled constructive position papers,
with genuine good will, on how to overcome the present difficulties that is
evident in the peace process, were successfully discussed and negotiated.
Following the end of the meeting, UPNC will deliver the document to the
Republic of the Union of Myanmar Government.
8. In the future, members of the UPNC when
negotiating with the Republic of the
Union of Myanmar Government will not negotiate individually but only under the
name of the committee together. (Source: Northern Alliance – Burma)
Earlier, according to the BBC report of April 18, Ta Phone Kyaw of TNLA
said that the NCA-based process is hard to achieve result and primarily it should
aim at stopping the war.
Regarding the question of KIO and SSPP, he said that as far as he is
concerned, both would go along with the Pangkham initiative, adding that the
EAOs that move according to the NCA-based trend and Pangkham's non-NCA-based line
would somehow meet along the way, as both groups have the same kind of
political goals and aspirations.
Concerning the earlier government initiative meeting with the MNDAA,
TNLA and AA, he said it would be useless just to meet with the three of them and
that they would opt for the meeting as a committee, which has been recently
formed in Pangkham.
Summing up and perspective
To sum up, the by-election shows that the tactical voting which the
ethnic electorate gave to the NLD in 2015 November election, so that it could
usher in a political change from quasi-civilian-military to pure civilian
regime and achieve peace and reconciliation, seems to be withdrawn as the Shan
and Arakan people overwhelmingly voted for the homegrown ethnic parties of SNLD
and ANP. Additionally, the ANDP victory in Karenni (Kayah) State also support
this trend of ethnic awareness to back the ethnic parties rather than the NLD.
President Htin Kyaw's China visit also looks like a compromise to
Myitsone debacle has been found, with likely compensation by agreeing to ongoing infrastructure projects including oil and gas
pipelines and Kyauk-Phyu Special Economic Zone and Deep Sea Port. But on the
problematic issue of Burma-China border security and resolving the conflict
between the Burma Army and the EAOs, no concrete solution seems to have been
agreed and would likely go on with China continuing its dual-track policy of
government-to-government and party-to-party level approach. This would mean,
the Burmese government desire of China abandoning its proxy-like EAOs and
siding with its efforts in defeating them wouldn't be entertained.
The 16th KNU Congress has elected the
government friendly faction of Mutu Say Poe and the so-called hard-liner
faction headed by Naw Zipporah Sein was ousted, so this should serve the
government good. The only problem is that the latent conflict within the KNU
remains and it is not quite sure that whether the fragile unity could be
maintained for long, as the KNU front-line commanders were said to be wary of
Mutu's all-out peace initiative.
According to Saw Greh Moo, who is a Karen community activist
and an observer at the 16th KNU Congress, “I spoke with seven
senior and mid-level military officers in the Karen National Liberation Army to
try to understand their opinions and positions on the current peace process.
Out the seven, only one expressed optimism for the future, while the rest are
displeased and distrustful of the way their leaders have handled the peace
process and negotiations with the Burma government. With this in mind, you
certainly get an understanding that the foundation of the peace process remains
very fragile inside the KNU.”
The 14 NCA-signatory and non-signatory EAOs
meeting could agree upon the federal union formation principles and also the
Panglong Manual which would be the political guidelines of the ethnic
nationalities, but the question of disarmament, demobilization, and
reintegration (DDR) and security sector reform (SSR) or security issue still
needs to be ironed out between them, as each side – signatory and non-signatory
– has blue print of its own.
The UNFC meeting on the other hand was able to
compromise on the crucial question of whether the SSPP and KIO – two strongest
EAOs among the UNFC – would follow the Pangkham-initiated non-NCA-based peace
process trend or abandoned the NCA line of approach altogether, which the UNFC
is in the process of negotiating with the government with its nine-point
proposal to amend the NCA, so that it could sign. The compromise, accordingly
is to employ double-track approach, which is to work militarily with Pangkham
pact – Northern Alliance – Burma (NA-B) plus UWSA – and politically with the
The NA-B is made up of KIA, MNDAA, TNLA and AA,
which has been delivering ongoing running battles in the northern part of Shan
Suu Kyi's peace talk with the rural youth is
seen as an ad hoc stunt by many Burma watchers and observers without much
substance in it, as she took the opportunity only to reiterate its message of
signing the NCA and enter the Union Peace Conference - 21st Century
Panglong (UPC-21CP), without addressing the need to create a level playing
On April 17, Pyidaungsu Institute's (PI)
Director Khuensai Jaiyane was interviewed by the BBC Burmese section in
relation with the President Htin Kyaw's explanation, during his Burmese new
year message to the people, regarding the problematic in amending the
military-drawn constitution, where he said it was a delicate issue which the
government is trying to handle with special care.
Khuensai pointed out the necessity of close cooperation between the government, Miliatry and EAOs
like during the tenure of former President Thein Sein, where unnecessary red
tape were eliminated and “one stop service” mechanism establishment, to handle
arising problems effectively in the NCA-based peace process. In other words, he
seems to be saying that the present NLD regime handling of the peace process is
He explicitly stressed that the government and
Military should cooperate and nurture close relationship, with common
interpretation on the NCA together with the EAOs and not differently as it is
now the case. Apart from that, he said the non-signatory EAOs should give the
NCA a try first, before concluding that the NCA is not working.
Given such a backdrop, the bird's eye view of Burma conflict spectrum
and its peace process undertakings could be viewed as extremely disturbing and
convoluted. A senior SSPP functionary told this writer that the UNFC couldn't
consider on what to do next if its nine-point proposal to amend the NCA is ignored.
Likewise, the 8 EAOs that signed the NCA wouldn't know what to do, except to ask the
non-signatories to join the signing of NCA. The government, on the other hand,
cannot move forward with its UPC-21CP with just 8 EAOs, when the remaining 13
EAOs are still left out, particularly the with strongest EAOs, in Shan and
Kachin States, making up with two-third of the from the whole estimate 100,000
ethnic resistance troops. And finally, the Military doesn't know how to resolve
the problems politically, apart from just military operations and offensives.
For now, even though the State Counselor and Commander-in-Chief have
sent messages to the people on the eve of the Burmese new year on April 17 that
this year should be the year of peace, all available data and indications are
pointing toward heading to a more uncertain, politically troubled waters and
would be forced to muddle through without clear and precise goal.
Given such circumstances, only with determined political will, coupled
with altruism as the cornerstone think-pattern embraced by all major
stakeholders - government, Military and EAOs - would be able to pull us out of
this vicious circle of violence and hatred, as there is hardly any other way
By Sai Wansai
Tags: Opinion
