Peace or War Lies totally in the Hearts of the Bamar Tatmadaw.

Peace or War lies entirely in the hearts of the Tatmadaw Generals. Peace must come from within themselves because unless they are at peace with themselves they cannot make peace with others.  Individually, they are good Buddhists, but as members of the Institution they follow different principles and allow anger,  suspicion, resentment and violence to implement their actions.

 The Bamar Military Instititue was founded by a group of Bamar Politicians  (Doe Bamar) with very strong feelings against the colonisation of the Bamar Heartland by Britain, as seen by their frequent remarks, “colonization is evil, and that the British colonization of Burma was a shock to their system, damaged their psyche and shattered their pride.” The fear of being colonised by Foreign Power has left a scar in the minds of Bamar Nationalists:  phobia, suspicion, anger, hate and resentment. These negative feelings have also been directed against other ethnic nationalities because they felt being let down by the latter due to being manipulated by the British to oppose them. 

Although Bogyoke Aungsan was one of the members of the Institution, by the time he came to Panglong in 1947, he had altered his view and attitude towards other ethnic nationalities. He came with a purpose, to win and influence the  Shan, Kachin and Chin to  join the Bamar people as equal partners in the formation of the Federal Union of Burma before becoming independent from Britain. But other Bamar Politicians,  were again Phobic, suspicious and began to regarded the signatories of the  Panglong  Agreement as their enemies. Bogyoke  Aung San was  assassinated  by one of his own  colleagues,  and U Nu and his supporters altered the  Panglong Agreement.  Ten years later, in the form of the Tatmadaw, the Bamar   Military declared war on the Shan and other ethnic nationalities because they suspected that the Shan and  Karenni would secede and break up the union according to the secession clause that  gives them  the right to secede after ten years. The Shan and other Ethnic Leaders did not at any time, not then and not now attempt to secede, other than try and make the Union more democratic: more equal, just and fair.  Bogyoke Aung San and the Shan Leaders brought all the ethnic States including the Bamar Heartland together, why should they want to break it up again?  It does not make sense. The Bamar Military Dictators used violence, terrorism and human rights violations  against other ethnic nationalities to prevent something that is non- existent from happening for the last 5 or six decades, and is still continuing . Is it surprising that there are so many resistant armed forces in Burma?  The greater force used, the greater the resistance.

With regard to the right of secession by the Shan and Karenni States, a Bamar politician asked Bogyoke Aung San  in 1947, “ What if they( other Ethnic nationalities) should use their rights to secede?” To this Bogyoke Aungsan replied, “the Bamar people will have to try very hard, so that they will not want to secede and continue to stay in the Union”.  The Tatmadw did try hard, but by using a wrong method.

 By using force and threats and holding other ethnic nationalities to ransom with the following:

1. Not to secede
2. Not to disintegrate
3. Agree to co-operate in a joint economic and narcotic programs
4.Formation of political parties and to contest election
5. Accept 2008 Constitution and legally amend it as necessary
6. One National Armed Forces
the Bamar Military/ Politicians have driven them further away. 

 Instead, why not exchange Peace with loving kindness, friendship and compassion like true Buddhists. This way the Tatmadaw and the other ethnic nationalities can begin to build a better relationship, followed by mutual understanding, trust and respect.

 It is up to the Generals of the Tatmadaw whether it is  to be Peace or everlasting War in Burma.  For the sake of the whole  country they should end the ongoing rights abuses, and change the way they interact with civilians particularly in the ethnic borderlands which belongs to the original indigenous people. The Tatmadaw Institution should be reformed and transformed into a professional army, accountable to the elected Government. This way it can prove to itself and the world that it is a genuine protector and defender of the country and its peoples and thus restore its damaged reputation.

A Country is stable, secure and great only when all sections of society, Government,  Army and civilians work harmoniously together, and each group without mis-using its power. In a modern,  supposedly civilized world using absolute power like the ancient kings, killing all opposition is completely out of date, and create disharmony, instability and insecurity which makes weak against outside aggression or pressure. 

Please give citizens of Burma, especially the ethnic Bamar the chance to enjoy peace, which according to history they never had the privilege to know what 'peace' is like other than during the

British regime.  


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