Commentary on "Fighting for peace in Muse, the KIA shoots itself in the foot"

Sithu Aung Myint usually produce unbiased commentary if not always. But lately he seems to be betting more on Aung San Suu Kyi's wisdom and political outlook, plus heaping blame on the Kachin Independence Organization/Army (KIO/KIA) for not signing the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) and now for trying to safe it's skin, by trying to fight back.

While siding with Suu Kyi is relatively a safe undertaking, as her popularity is still very high, even though she seems to be abandoning her liberal democratic principles, accusing the KIA of a failed decision and mismanaging it's political credential need to be looked at from a different point of view.

What is KIA supposed to do when it has to endure the military heavy onslaught three months in a row?

Is it a sin to employ the time tested strategy of "offensive is the best defensive"?

Is collateral damage of human causality and economic disruption solely the responsibility of the KIA and northern alliance?

What about the Tatmadaw's decades-long occupation and oppression of the ethnic homelands, resulting in gross human rights violations and other abuses?

This latest northern alliance offensive came about as it's members are repeatedly denied the rights of participation in the peace process and conducting military pressures so that the KIA will sign the NCA and the other alliance members - Kokang or MNDAA, Palaung or TNLA and Arakan or AA - could be excluded.

It is not a wonder that the alliance choose to take such actions to safe their own skin. They couldn't care less, if they are going to be annihilated like sitting ducks, by countering with such drastic actions,

Survival is the name of the game. Political opinion poll is important but not as important to stay alive.

The northern alliance and the KIA have simply no choice left but to fend for their own survival.

Link to the story : Fighting for peace in Muse, the KIA shoots itself in the foot


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