Commentary on "Sanctions: A happy ending for some"

"Demo-cronies" is quite an appropriate coining of today's Burma situation. One would say in addition to "Burmese way to socialism", "Disciplined flourishing democracy", and " Burmese way to federalism" are also intelligently coined, if not cleverly thought out.

While the first one that has to do with Burmese socialism has become an historic failure pushing the country into the verge of paupercy, the last two still have to be proven that they don't follow the first one's sorry state of mishap.

Still one couldn't help to feel the tragic state of the country associated with Burmese way. Burmese socialism has ruined us and the angst what Burmese way to federalism could bring about another unfortunate mishap is very real and frighteningly present, which is hard to shake it off, from one's mind, so to speak.

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