Over 100 migrant workers demand unpaid wages in Chiang Mai

Over 120 laid-off migrant workers submitted a petition to both the Chiang Mai governor and the Chiang Mai-based Consulate-General of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar on Wednesday, demanding 3.5 million baht ($97,700 US) in wages from the Perfetto Ltd. Partnership Company.

121 migrant workers submitted their petition at the Chiang Mai Provinical Hall on Wednesday
The 121 migrant workers were among 200 who were hired to work for the company on three construction projects in Chiang Mai, including the Star Avenue 5, Diamant Condominium and the Spring Condominium.

“The workers had been laid off since December 16,” said Mwe Oo Nanta, an official from the Human Rights and Development Foundation (HRDF) and an assistant advisor to the Migrant Workers Federation (MWF). “They didn’t know where to contact the construction firm because they had shut down their offices.”

She said the total amount that the company refused to pay the included 906,988 baht ($25,325 US) for unpaid wages, 2,036,100 baht ($56,850 US) for compensation and 554,850 baht ($15,500 US) filed because the company failed to give them advance notice of the termination of their working contracts.

She also said that the migrant workers had to move out of their living quarters because the water and electricity had been cut off.

“Now there is only me living in the construction camp,” said 55-year-old Loong Seng, who worked with one of Perfetto’s projects in Chiang Mai’s Hang Dong district.

“Other people moved out to find new shelters or to stay with their relatives. For me, I do not have any relatives so I have to stay here.”

“Now, some parts of the living quarters have been destroyed,” he added.

Thansanat Nutsaengphli, chief of the Labour Protection and Welfare Department, promised the migrant workers that the department would ask the employer to pay them the money within 30 days.

He said that they would take action against the company owner if they refused to give the migrant workers their wages within the proposed deadline.

BY SAI AW/ Shan Herald Agency for News (SHAN)


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