Doubtful political transition, ongoing internal conflict and incomprehensible peace process
Three crucial topics have been dominating Burma's political arena, since
the National League for Democracy (NLD) won with a landslide in the nationwide
elections. They are if the transition from quasi-civilian regime of Thein Sein
to Aung San Suu Kyi led NLD government would be smooth or problematic; whether
the wars in Kachin and Shan States could be resolved; and the interconnected nationwide
ceasefire agreement (NCA) or peace process structure and procedure would be
accepted by the incoming NLD regime, as formed and headed by the Thein Sein
First, let us ponder on the development of transitional aspect that have
been worrying the NLD leadership and the people at large, who are still fearful
that the 1990 post-election scenario could be replayed or repeated, when the
then State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC), military regime refused
to hand over power to the landslide winning NLD.
Doubtful transition
U Ye Htut, spokesman of the President and the information minister, in
answering the doubtfulness of handing power to Aung San Suu Kyi's NLD party,
stressed that President Thein Sein aimed to leave a good tradition for the
country's young, budding democracy. He said that peaceful power transfer would
be the “final victory” of the government.
He told The Irrawaddy: “What we are trying to do now is to establish a
good democratic tradition. A government formed by the result of the election
transferring power to another elected government peacefully has never occurred
in our country's history, since independence in 1948. As a reform, final duty
of our government, we are going to do this. And it will be our last victory.”
He showed his irritation for the
doubtfulness from some quarters by saying: “I will tell you, (people) didn't
believe in President Thein Sein's reform process of 2011, call for peace
process and free and fair elections. But he has done it according to his promises.
Transferring (of the power) will also be done.”
When the NLD's tsunami-like
landslide win were made known, Aung San Suu Kyi requested for a meeting with
the President, Commander-in-Chief and House Speaker, but so far she has only
managed to meet the House Speaker Thura Shwe Mann on 19 November, where both
agreed to work for a smooth transition.
Following the meeting, a
statement released said: “They will peacefully implement the desire of the
people that emerged from the election on November 8, in order to ensure
people’s joy and to improve the image of the country. They will continue to
implement the hopes of the people in line with the principles of the
Parliament: the people’s voice is Parliament’s voice and the people’s desire is
Parliament’s desire. They vowed to work together with trust and respect for one
another on matters of national reconciliation and unity for all ethnic groups.
They agreed to discuss the means to organize parliaments in accordance with the
Deputy Speaker of the Lower House Nanda Kyaw Swar, bill committee
chairman T Khun Myat, minister of commerce Win Myint, Zaw Myint Maung from the
Rule of Law and Stability Committee and Director General Kyaw Soe from the
Union Parliament also attended.
Perhaps to alleviate international and as well, the people at home of
their doubtfulness of his government transfer of power to the election winning
NLD, President Thein Sein told the 27th Asean Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
on 21 November that he would abide by
the results of November 8 election and conduct the transition peacefully.
Ye Htut, spokesperson for the president, told the Daily Eleven: “The
president again promised to follow the election result and to transfer power
peacefully. Asean leaders talked extensively about the election. They praised
and congratulated us. They acknowledged our development.”
War in Kachin and Shan States
The war in Kachin and Shan States, which have been going on and off,
escalated after the elections.
On 6 November, two days before the election, the Burma Army (Tatmadaw)
launched a major offensive against the Shan State Progress Party/Shan State
Army (SSPP/SSA) which had signed bilateral ceasefire agreements with the
government at both State and Union levels.
In spite of this, the Burma Army unleashed ground offensive operations
backed by air raids, against the SSPP/SSA.
The Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) declared in its November 14
statement that Burma Army offensives escalated after the partial-ceasefire
signing, dubbed as NCA with 8 ethnic armed
organizations (EAOs). Battles continue almost daily between the TNLA and
Burmese Army troops in northern Shan State.
According to the TNLA News and Information Department, on November 21,
at 0935 hours, a recent battle took place between troops of TNLA Battalion 717
and Tatmadaw Division 77, at a place between Tot-san and Nuaung-bin-hla
villages in Kyaukme Township, Brigade 2 area, Ta’ang Region. There was no
casualty on the TNLA side. Two were killed on the Myanmar Tatmadaw side. The
head-on battle took place, because Myanmar Tatmadaw troops had been closely
following and launching attacks in the place, where TNLA was active.
On another front, one of the heaviest battles since the renewed war of
2011 between the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and the Burmese Army took place
in south-western Kachin State, just days after the widely hailed 2015
A statement was released on 22 November by the SSPP/SSA regarding its
delegation's departure for Yangon to hold talks with the military and the
Earlier, Sai Naw Leik central executive committee member of the SSPP met
U Khin Maung Soe of the Union Peacemaking Work Committee and agreed to meet
again on 23 November to negotiate about the more durable truce.
While armed clashes are going on and off between the Burma Army and KIA,
TNLA, a proposed truce was not achieved,
even though the SSPP/SSA has appealed that refraining from the act of
hostilities should be reached, while its five man delegation was on its way to
thrash out a ceasefire, according to one of the SSPP/SSA front line commander.
The recent SHAN report of 23 November wrote that while the SSPP/SSA
delegation was negotiating with the regime's UPWC in Yangon, fierce battles
were fought in Mong Hsu Township and has been ongoing at this writing.
On 23 November, 08:00 hours,
SSPP/SSA camp near Wan Lwe, Mong Ark villages, Mong Hsu Township, Loilem
District was attacked, besides shelling it with artillery from Burma Army bases
of Pang Wo, Loi Yu, Kui Mawk Khao from four sides, according to a front line
“According to U Khin Maung Soe's
invitation, (SSPP/SSA) is negotiating to restart peace process. (We) heard that
it started at 08:00 hours, have a short break and continues again. But (the
fighting) at this side has not stopped and still shooting. (We) don't know from
which units, but they all arrived together. From what we know, they are from
Military Operation Command (MOC) 2 and 17, supposedly under the Eastern
Command. (They are) attacking fiercely. No air-plane has been sighted,” said
Captain Sai Mong.
While talks on ending hostility are
conducted, the war rages on, adding more problems to the already deteriorating
situation as the government has reportedly demanded the withdrawal of SSPP/SSA
forces from the route connecting Mong Hsu with the garrison town of Mong Nawng.
Ethnic endorsement of the NLD
The incoming NLD regime has been endorsed by the ethnic political
parties, EAOs and ethnic population for all were convinced that Aung San Suu
Kyi, the party leader could fulfil their desire of peaceful co-habitation, with
rights of self-determination, equality and democracy.
The three armed alliance of Myanmar National Democratic Army (MNDAA)
known also as Kokang, TNLA and Arakan Army (AA) released a statement saying
that it is solidly behind the NLD.
Likewise, the United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC), an eleven
ethnic armed groups alliance, stated that it is ready to work with the incoming
NLD regime. In the same vein, the United Wa State Army (UWSA), the strongest of
all the ethnic armies numbering some well-armed 20,000 troops, also expressed the same sentiment.
United Nationalities Alliance (UNA), a twelve ethnic political parties
alliance that had worked closely with the NLD for decades, would also meet with
the NLD soon, which would touch on and cooperate on how to end the internal
armed conflict and formation of a genuine federal union among others.
On 24 November, U Nyan Win, the NLD spokesman confirmed to the media
that the meeting would take place soon, although no fix date has been
NCA deliberation
The NCA structure has Joint Implementation Coordination Meeting (JICM)
at its top. The two committees that were formed are the Joint Ceasefire
Monitoring Committee (JMC) – the word ceasefire is not initialled – and Union
Political Dialogue Joint Committee (UPDJC).
JIMC is formed with 8 members each from EAOs and government side, while
JMC is formed with 10 each from both quarters, with another 6 from civil
society organizations (CSO) are earmarked to be included later.
The UPDJC has 16 members each from the EAOs, the government and the
political parties, making it a total of 48 members in all.
The JMC is concerned with monitoring ceasefire issues, while UPDJC is to
draw up framework for political dialogue (FPD) and responsible to begin the
actual political dialogue (PD).
Apart from the seemingly problematic governmental transitional problem,
the harbinger of NCA structure and formation of various committees could also
become a cause of political tension, between the USPD-Military clique and the
to be formed NLD government that has quite a different outlook, on how to go
about with the whole peace process.
All-inclusiveness is the key and the Thein Sein regime has just signed
partial-ceasefire agreement and refusing certain groups like MNDAA, TNLA and AA
to be part of the peace process.
Other than that, even the formation of JIMC and JMC would become
problematic, as they are manned only
with 8 and 10 representatives from 8 EAOs, together with equal number of
representative from the government side,
when actually there are 21 EAOs operating within the whole country,
which have not yet signed the NCA with the government.
The UPDJC which sought to draw up a framework for political dialogue
could also become a source of problem, as legitimately elected political
parties should have a priority, rather than picking representatives, as it is
now, from political parties that either have poor showing or not winning even a
seat in the elections.
The formula used to elect for the
political parties are: NLD – 2, USDP -2, SNLD – 1, ANP- 1, UNA- 1, FDA-1, NBF-1
and 7 elected from other parties,
according to the insider sources
True, the UPDJC is including 3 umbrella ethnic groups like UNA, Federal
Democratic Alliance (FDA) and National brotherhood Federation (NBF) giving each
a representative seat in the 16 members representation on behalf of some 80
registered political parties, which seems to look like quite an appropriate
But Dr Yan Myo Thein, a well known political commentator, in an article
titled “Has peace process being monopolized?” published by 7 Days Daily, on 24
November writes: “It seems in order to give one representative each to FDA and
NBF, UNA has been given a direct representation. In reality, allowing one
direct representative each for the three ethnic alliance parties could be
analysed as not appropriate. It could be termed as a political aggressiveness
for involving the Federal Union Party, Chin Democracy League, Palon-Sawor
Democrtaic Party, National democratic Front and Democracy and Peace Party,
which have all decisively lost and having to bite (endure) the zero outcome.”
He further stressed that out of the 16 representatives in UPDJC, 8 is
allotted to the election winning parties and the other 8 to those who have lost
it. Thus, it is against the desire of the people for involving the non-elected
parties in the UPDJC.
Meanwhile, on 23 November,
joint-secretary of SNLD Sai Leik who attended the NCA meeting said that
two representatives, one each for UNA and SNLD have been selected to
participate as political parties representatives in the UPDJC.
It was said that this is to facilitate better understanding between the
incoming NLD regime and the military, like as it is now between the USDP and
the military, according to Sai Leik.
“There is harmony between the present government and the Tatmadaw
(military). Only if harmonious, hand-in-hand (atmosphere) could be continued
with the Tatmadaw, can the reform issue be continued. The hope for peace be
kept (alive). That is why, in order Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the Tatmadaw could
steadfastly join hand for peace process, and with the aim to work hand-in-hand
with the ethnic nationalities, (we) have given the name list.”
The UNA representative selected is Angela Thaung and for the SNLD Sai
Kyaw Nyunt is endorsed.
Sai Leik added that despite such deliberation, it would all depend on
the incoming NLD government, whether the UPDJC work would be taken as it is or
push for changes in personnel and as well the contents. However, the task of
the UPDJC is to primarily draw up the FPD and see to that the PD actually
started before the Thein Sein regime's legislature period ended in a few
U Win Htain of NLD confirmed the speculation on 24 November, during the
selection of 16 representatives for the political parties meeting in Yangon,
that it would be the Aung San Suu Kyi's peace process, which she would lead
through political means, to establish a genuine federalism.
Summing up
To sum up, the angst of the people, the NLD, stakeholders and all those
concerned with the well-being of Burma, regarding the transfer of political
power from Thein Sein to incoming Aung San Suu Kyi's regime is well-founded,
but it will definitely sail through, even if it would have to come across some
nasty hurdles.
Points to ponder among them are complaints of irregularities to the
Union Election Commission (UEC) during the election period; Aung San Suu Kyi's
statement that she will rule as a figure above the president; irregular
election campaign spending accusation of the NLD; and the reluctance of
President Thein Sein and Commander-in-Chief Min Aung Hlaing to meet Aung San
Suu Kyi, in a timely manner.
It might seem that the outgoing regime's functionaries are laying stones
along the way, to frustrate the NLD and Aung San Suu Kyi, but in the end this
will all be cleared up for Thein Sein reportedly is committed to pull through his reform
process to the end, as repeatedly promised. He recently iterated this in Kuala
Lumpur during the ASEAN meeting and also told President Obama that he would
hand overpower in due course. On top of it, he also told Obama that he would
meet Aung San Suu Kyi.
Commander-in-Chief Min Aung Hliang in his recent interview with the
Washington Post said the meeting could take place in December, after the UEC
finishes its job. The NLD only needs to be a bit more patient.
The war in Shan and Kachin States are being viewed as a desperate
attempt by the ethnic nationalities and democratic political parties that the
military is paving way for emergency rule, so as to create a two-tier society:
a relatively free community with democratic rights in Burmese heartland and a
military occupied and suppressed ethnic states in a primitive, old style
colonial setting.
As the constitution also allows to impose military emergency rule, the
military only needs to create an atmosphere of war in ethnic areas, through
deliberate military provocation or staging fake battles, as is the case in Mong
Nawng and Mong Hsu Townships.
There is no other viable explanation for the military's ongoing
offensives to justify its military aggressions.
Besides, ending the war in Kachin and Shan States would be more
problematic, due to the differing views on how the notion of sovereignty and
national unity is viewed by the Tatmadaw and the EAOs.
As time and again been stressed and explained, the Tatmadaw views that
it is protecting the nation's sovereignty and sees that the EAOs are
encroaching and violating it and thus, has to be fought and eliminated. But the
EAOs view that they are entitled to shared-sovereignty, as the independence
from the British in 1947 is also a co-independence. And since, the promise of
equality, rights of self-determination and democracy anchored in a real federal
union is denied by successive Bamar-dominated mostly military regimes, they
have fought back to regain their birthright legacies.
Thus, they reject the assumption of sovereignty monopoly by the
Bamar-dominated regimes and demand for shared-sovereignty through armed
struggle. It is clear to all that this conceptual differences could only be
ironed out politically and not militarily or occupation of more ethnic
territories in by the Tatmadaw.
Because of all these, the Tatmadaw's accusation and conducting
territorial winning wars in ethnic areas neither solve the underlying political
problems nor make the reconciliation peace process easier. It is now up to the
Tatmadaw either to show good will and tone down the offensives and stop them or
continue with its warpath rhetoric, but it should keep in mind that only
political dialogue and settlement could resolve this ongoing ethnic conflict
and nothing else.
Another corresponding issue, closely connected to the notion of sovereignty
is the concept of “national unity”. But before one even starts to mention this,
those concerned would need to consider if there is already an accepted common
“national identity”.
From the independence of Burma in 1947 to this very days there has been
no commonly accepted such identity, but only various ethnic identities that
still need to be merged into a “national identity”. The reason is that there
has been no awareness-building, corresponding to the power and resources
sharing within the mould of a genuine federalism. In other words, the making of
a voluntary, accepted common national identity has never occurred, other than
the imposed “Myanmar” identity, which neither is consented nor adopted by the
non-Bamar ethnic nationalities and minorities. And this again is due to the
lack of the said political power and resources sharing, for without which a
common national identity could not be forged or developed, much less to foster
and nurture it. Thus, the military's notion of protecting the national unity
just resembles a dominant ethnic group
trying to protect its occupied and colonized territories. Of course this has to
be corrected and again a political give-and-take is the only way out and not
suppressing and occupying the ethnic homelands.
And finally, the handling of the NCA process should be conducted in a
way that the Thein Sein regime instead of rushing and pushing all the
procedures and formation according to its liking, lopsidedly manned more by its
own people, with the hope that the incoming regime has no other choice but to
follow only, it should instead invite, cooperate and coordinate with the NLD
and other elected ethnic parties' functionaries, so that the peace process
could be carried on smoothly when the new regime comes into being. This kind of
approach will definitely benefit all the people in the country.
For now, the contemporary political setting calls for at least a
calculated compromise, if not fully-fledge, from all stakeholders: the
USDP-Military regime, the Aung San Suu Kyi headed NLD party and the whole
spectrum of ethnic nationalities, armed or unarmed. Any failure to successfully
link these three major actor groups to compromise for a political settlement
would lead to end of a true, democratic, reform process and push all those that
have been achieved back to the square one, which nobody wants to see happen.
The Contributor is ex-General
Secretary of the dormant Shan Democratic Union (SUD) - Editor
Tags: Opinion
