Speaking to business, academic and administrative
representatives from 4 northern provinces on Saturday, 22 August, the
head of the newly established consulate general of Burma said Naypyitaw
would consider opening new border checkpoints only after the Nationwide
Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) has been signed.
The seminar to discuss the planned opening of two border checkpoints:
Ban Huey Ton Noon, also known as BP (Boundary Post) 13, between
Thailand’s Maehongson and Burma’s Mese; and Ban Laktaeng, between
Thailand’s Chiangmai and Burma’s Mongton, was held at Uniserv Hotel, and
attended by representatives from Chiangmai, Lampoon, Lampang and
Maehongson provinces. Chana Phaengpiboon
It was opened by Deputy Governor Chana Phaengpiboon, who was quoted
as saying, “The planned opening of the two temporary checkpoints will be
the forerunner to a permanent opening heralding the launch of the Asean
Economic Community (AEC) by the end of the year.”
Meanwhile, U Kaung San Lwin, Burma’s consul general, said the planned
opening should wait until after the signing of the NCA, the draft of
which was finalized on 6-7 August negotiations between Naypyitaw’s Union
Peacemaking Work Committee (UPWC) and the ethnic armed organization’s
Special Delegation (SD) in Rangoon.
The Restoration Council of Shan State/ Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA) is
active in areas opposite Chiangmai and the Karenni National Progressive
Party/Karenni Army (KNPP/KA) in areas opposite Maehongson’s west. Both
have concluded preliminary ceasefire with Naypyitaw. U Kaung San Lwin
The delegation from the seminar met the Burmese delegation led by
Lt-Col Tin Aung Moe, Commander of Infantry Battalion 65, and Maj Sai
Lake, leader of the RCSS/SSA liaison office in Monghta sub-township,
Mongton township, at Chiangmai’s Wiang Haeng district on the following
day. It was agreed that a weekly market fair will be held every
Thursday, starting tomorrow, 27 August, according to a Thai village