To Hopeland and Back (XI)
Day One. Wednesday, 28 January 2015
This time we are descending upon Mongla, 158 miles (252.8 km) from the Thai border.
This trip takes place 2 days after our visit to Loi Taileng, opposite Pang Mapha district, Mahong Son province, where Harn Yawnghwe of Euro Burma Office (EBO) and Saw Htoo Htoo Lay of Karen National Union (KNU) had discussed the Peace Pledge Agreement (PPA) draft, which is expected to be a halfway measure between the on-and-off going Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) negotiations and the planned nationwide consultations on the Framework for Political Dialogue (FPD) the next step before the Political Dialogue (PD).
The gist of the 6 point draft is: to establish a federal democracy in accordance with the results from the political dialogue and to hold the FPD followed by the PD within the year 2015.
He believes that the PPA, if agreed by those concerned, would serve as a bridge between the NCA (which is yet to be finalized) and the upcoming FPD consultations. “All the points are excerpted from the NCA draft that have been agreed by both sides,” he added. “So I hope there should be no reason for either side to object it.”
Sao Yawd Serk, the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA), who was our host at Loi Taileng, made it clear that whether or not that there is an NCA, the FPD should start without further delay. Because both the RCSS /SSA and 13 other movements, including the KNU, had already concluded both state and union level ceasefire agreement.
He said he had only 3 more points to suggest:
• That there must be international observers, and preferably, mediators
• That there must be a time frame
• That the negotiations take place also in third countries, not just inside Burma, to make them credible
We take off from Chiangmai at 13:30 and arrive in Mae Sai at 17:15. Half an hour later we are at the Mekhong River Hotel (aka the 9 story Hotel) wonder by U Lao Sang (Xi Guoneng).
We are welcomed there by the Immigration district chief U Kyaw Swa Lwin and Military Affairs Security (MAS) chief Capt Kyaw Myo Win . At 19:00 we are treated to dinner by the MAS at the Golden Triangle restaurant, located on a hill top overlooking the city.
Nothing important is discussed. Only reminiscences of the old days long gone by going back as far as the last days of the Konbaung dynasty. There is an atmosphere of nostalgia while it lasts.
By the time our dinner is finished, it is getting chilly and time to get back to the warmth of our hotel rooms.
Tags: Opinion