Yawdserk dismissed media report on separate ceasefire deal
Lt-Gen Yawdserk, leader of the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan
State Army (RCSS/SSA), yesterday denied his movement has any intention
of concluding a Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) with Naypyitaw, as
reported by a news agency last week.
Speaking to SHAN on Saturday, 15 March, he asked, “How did such a report come out?”
According to the report, the RCSS/SSA will not be joining the signing
of an NCA with the 16 member Nationwide Ceasefire Coordination Team
(NCCT) after the final draft is agreed upon by both the NCCT and the
Union Peacemaking Work Committee (UPWC).
Many other armed resistance movements (ARMs) have expressed
disappointment over the report, coming after the RCSS/SSA’s earlier
refusal to sign the ARMs’ Laiza Agreement (2 November 2013) and the
Lawkheelar Agreement (25 January 2014).
“I think we have already made it clear that we are only waiting for
the two sides to reach an agreement on the NCA draft,” he explained. “We
are ready to sign it together with the ARMs, once it is ready. The
reason we are not signing Laiza and Law Khee Lar is not because we are
against them, but because we believe most of the conditions enunciated
there should be debated only at the next two stages. And because we want
to present and push for them only at the next stages. I think we should
spend more time arguing about them after the signing of the NCA, not
before it.”

The NCA however can be signed on group-basis, he added.
According to the agreement reached between the NCCT and the UPWC on 10 March:
- A joint NCA drafting committee with be set up
- The UPWC and the NCCT will each side choose 9 members for the said joint committee
- The two sides will work on a single/one text document, using the Law Khee Lar draft and the UPWC draft presented at Myitkyina as bases for the new NCA draft
- The two sides will meet again before the Thingyan (annual water throwing festival which falls on 13 April)
- Naypyitaw’s chief negotiator U Aung Min will be responsible for inviting ARMs that are not NCCT members to the April meeting: All Burma Students Democratic Front (ABSDF), National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA), National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN), Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) and the United Wa State Army (UWSA)
An unconfirmed report has his name on the list of generals due to retire late this year, although he is still 54, way below retirement age. Others on the list include Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and lieutenant generals Thet Naing Win and Myint Soe.
Tags: News, Politics