Shan State’s immigration offices closed ahead of census
CHIANG MAI- March 24. Burma’s immigration offices in Shan State have
closed ahead of the census as they are busy with census workshops,
according to local sources.
Burma’s census, the first in 30 years, is scheduled to take place on
March 30 to April 10.
The Burma census will be carried out by
immigration officers, school teachers, and administrative officers.

A poster for Burma’s census in Mongsat, Shan State. (Photo: Sai Arn Tai)
Large numbers of Shan migrant workers have returned to Shan State apply for ID cards. According to a member of the local militia of Homong, under the control of the Shan State South Company (SSS) headed by Maha Ja, about 150 people have been passing the checkpoint on the Thai border each day.
Local people in Tachileik near the Thai border have reported that every hotel is full of customers.

A poster for Burma’s census in Mongsat, Shan State. (Photo: Sai Arn Tai)
He added that the normal price for ID cards is 25,000-30,000 Kyats ($US 25-30), but people were having to pay double the price, about 50,000-60,000 Kyats ($SU 50-60).
Shan political parties, armed groups and civil organizations have urged Shan migrant workers in Thailand to return home to make national ID cards and participate in the Burma census in 2014.
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