"Three days ago, the SNLD and SNDP have been raising funds and collecting some other household utilities door-to-door to support the refugees who have fled from the war zone. People are generously offering donations in town. With a group of 200 people we delivered the collected utilities and donations to the refugees on 24 May," a woman who is a member of SNLD told SHAN.

The villages to which they have distributed donations and utensils include 127 households from Nawng Ma Tar, 132 from Nawng Kham, 45 from Mangkun, 12 Pey (28.8 liters) of rice and 30,000 Kyat ($32) in cash to each family. A 100,000 Kyat ($ 120) was also donated to Man Sawn village fund. Sky Net media network also has donated a cable line TV to each monastery and donors from Mandalay also have offered bags of rice.
Donors from Mandalay include Thein Than Co., Ltd., and Shwe Chan Tha Co., Ltd.; each of which has donated 100 bags of rice. Ko Sein Win and Brothers Mechanic Trading donated 24 bags of rice. People from Namkham donated 10.66 million Kyat ($12,000), said a member of SNDP.
On 9 May, the Burma Army with 400-strong troops attacked the Shan State Army Task Force 701, which sent thousands people from Nawng Ma Tar and other villages around the area to flee for their safety.