Assistance Committee planning for displaced children’s education
Thursday, 09 May 2013 17:35
“About two third of the refugees are children under twelve. We thought that we should give them an education rather than let them waste time like this. Especially, we will teach them Ta’ang, Shan and Burmese. Now we are building a classroom for them,” Sai Khur, an IDP volunteer, told SHAN.
Those children did not have opportunity to learn when they were at their villages because they are located very far from town and there is no government school at their villages. And if the basic course succeeds, they will try to connect with a government school, according to another IDP helper.
The clashes between the Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA) and the Burma Army have continued for a month and not over yet. Therefore the Loi Zay locals who had come to Tangyan could not return to their villages. Both external and internal donors keep supporting food, clothes and places to stay for them. The only blank which needs to be filled is the children’s education. This is why we have planned to build a classroom to teach them, continued Sai Khur.
“The refugees here are the people who couldn’t return to their village yet, they can’t return at all. In Nam Lao and Mong Kao, the villagers have to report to the army if they just want to go to their farms 10 miles away. If there are many restrictions, it won’t work even they go back. Today, because of the fight last week, some villagers from Pang Mawng came to the town but they just went to stay with their relatives,” said Sai Khur.
“We have already built three 42x110 feet shelters and 4 toilets at the former Mong Kao bus station for the refugees who stayed at Aung Mangala (Mingala in Burmese, but Mangala in Pali) in Tangyan. It is said that the Assistance Committee had asked UNICEF to support them for toilets and has received a reply that we will have support for 40 toilets,” Sai Khur added.
The Assistance Committee says its other responsibility is to see that there are no infections in rainy season at the temporary camp.
(Translated from Shan Herald Agency for News, Wednesday 08 May 2013)
Tags: Shooting Range