Campaign for Indigenous Minorities of Burma
Saturday, 20 April 2013 09:48
Roots To Resistance
I am writing to you from an Art and Activism Project called Roots To Resistance which does it's work in the eastern US. We bring issues, campaigns and challenges from World Communities to International audiences through Public Art and through a series of Postcard and Street Postering campaigns that we send across the Planet free to all. We are painting the 8 foot high larger than life sized Portraits of 12 Global Women Activists doing profoundly important work and it is through these Women that we focus on the issues, battles, challenges and triumphs being faced by their People and Communities.
Here is a link to our website where you will find Art and more info about our project:
We have just completed our seventh Portrait: Aung San Suu Kyi, for whom we have profound respect and gratitude. We know that her transition from Activist/Political Prisoner to her new status in Parliament has created challenges for her and for those who support her during this new and complex time inside of Burma. For our part, we seek to create campaigns that bring attention to the issues that are challenging all Communities of People in Burma.
Along with our completed Portrait of Aung San Suu Kyi, we plan to create two Global Postcard campaigns which specifically focus on the challenges that Indigenous/ethnic minority peoples are facing in the country. We are speaking to Organizations with intimate experience on these issues and have been profoundly grateful to discover this contact for the Shan Herald.
We hoped to get a bit of input about this campaign from you and others that we have contacted who are a part of these Communities in Burma before we proceed with any of the materials we are creating. We have come to understand from articles on your site and many others that the violence being perpetrated against ethnic minorities in Burma is more than just purely physical violence and displacement, but a complex and endless cycle of non-inclusion and this is where, in part, we want to focus our campaigns.
Our goal for this campaign is to identify some of the most serious challenges for the People of Burma and to bring these challenges to the attention of World Community members. We also generally pre-address our Postcards before disseminating them out to the public so that they will be informed about the issues and can then post and send them to someone that needs to hear many voices raised.
So I have included below just two questions that we are asking so that we can get a clear picture from which to proceed. We offer much gratitude for your time here:
What are the 2-3 most pressing issues facing Indigenous/Ethnic Minorities in Burma(the more specific the better)
We will be pre-addressing these Postcards so that People around the World and the People of Burma can raise their voices in support of these issues. Who shall we send them to? Who needs to hear such voices raised? The countries doing the development? The G20? The UN? The Government of Burma?
Thank you so much for the work you are doing which has done a great deal to help us understand the issues and challenges at hand. We are very grateful for anyone else you might send this on to as we are trying to get as much input as we can from the People who are actually directly facing these challenges.
Please let us know if there are any other ways we can support your work.
In solidarity
Denise Beaudet/Roots To Resistance
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