Railways & Trains

There are many railway projects in planning and already under construction to link up the countries in the Asean region.

This is a positive and necessary step in bringing together neighbouring nations and land transport links are the most important element in the globalization process, especially railways which are permanent and enduring infrastructure, allowing regular services for business people and travellers and the carriage of freight. The opportunity for greater interaction between people of different cultures helps bring about Peace and stability.

However the various railway connections planned still only make up a fragmented system, requireing troublesome and time consuming  immigration and customs hassles and delays at each border crossing and sometimes passengers are required to remove all their luggage from the train  and sometimes even change trains at the border crossings..because of each countries diffrent policies towards foreigners.

To advance the globalization process we need to create independant transit corridors across and through continents to allow greater freedom of movement for people and more efficient transport of freight.

Many border areas between existing nations are in dispute over sovereignty and because they are not properly policed and govererned they become havens for terrorists and smugglers. The long term solution is to surrender these strips of land to a new global sovereign state. All nations and states should grant the land required for this necessary global transit corridor and co,operate in its development.

The Trans -Asia section of the Proposed Global Sunrail System is planned to connect the Asean states together at a main station-market centre on the China Myanmar border and link up other states across central Asia at three other main Station-market centres on the journey across to eastern Europe.

All the nations and states across the continent would be linked into the main station centres where immigration and customs procedures would be carried out, allowing the trains to continue on their journey uninterupted ,in the independent corridor.

All the land locked states across Asia will have permanent access to the outside world and independent status in the new global sovereign state.

A later stage branch line from Kurdistan  down to Africa will give access to Jerusalem and Palestine.

The "Peace Train" will operate in a borderless world.

John  Solarel    
75 Muntri St Georgetown, Penang.  Ph 0103969309


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