KIO-government signed a negotiation pack
Friday, 15 March 2013 17:30
Kachin Independent Organization (KIO) and government peace negotiators have once again renewed for a two-day talks on ceasefire at Ruili, the border town of China on March 11 and 12. Although the peace talk was not a breakthrough, both sides have signed agreement that they are committed for peace until the truce for ceasefire is achieved with the hope for genuine political dialogue based on mutual understanding, respect and trust.

KIO - government peace negotiation delegates (Photo: SHAN)
“Today’s discussion has been somewhat a fruitful one, for it paves the way a further meeting in which may lead to a political dialogue; and both sides have agreed that continuation of the talk is important to reach a truce for ceasefire with a hope of genuine political dialogue. For this objective, we have signed the agreement,” said General Gwam Maw.
Moreover, in the joint-statement of KIO-government, there are 4 points what they have agreed upon.
One of the four crucial agreements is that related to military operation; both sides agreed to monitor flashpoint areas where fighting could be broken out; both side will continue to discuss, said the statement.
“We will negotiate until we reach the agreement on a meaningful ceasefire in a situation that acceptable to both. For instance, we will continue to negotiate in the areas where both sides of troops have been deployed closely,” said LieutenantGeneral MyintSoe.
Furthermore, “we will closely monitor at the conflict points, where fighting took place; and we will havea close watch of the troop movements from both sides; and setup monitoring and negotiation offices.We will do whatever necessary as situation arises.”
In the KIO-government peace talks negotiation, delegates fromMyanmar government was led by deputy president union minister U Aung Min and Lit-gen MyintSoe of the Union Level Peace Working Committee; KIO delegates was led by permanent committee member of the Peace Talk Creating Group (PCG) Mr SwanLut Gam.
The KIO-government peace-talks were also attended by representatives from various parties, groups and diplomacy.Those organizations include:4 representatives from the United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC), 2 representatives from Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA), 2 representatives from Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA), 2representatives from National Democratic Alliance Army-Eastern Shan State (NDAA), 4 representatives from Kachin State Peace Creating Group (PCG) and Mr Wang Zongying, minister-counsellor Mr Wang Zongying and two officials from the Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry.
Next round of the KIO-government peace talks and negotiation is agreed to meet before April 10, said the sources.
Tags: News, Politics