Comment on Jason Eligh interview, 9 March 2013
Monday, 11 March 2013 15:51
Jom Tai
His position is predisposed that there is a Union of Myanamar and a central government.
It ignores the issue of a more than 60 year conflict and a ceasefire status.
It , however, also admits to the existence of militias which are under Burma Army control - in fact these are occupying forces. These militias deny the Shan the ability to address the drug issue on their own as they are involved in it, profit from it, and restrict movement by Shan entities.
He speaks of the President's leadership on this issue.
First, Thein Sein is not the leader of the Shan.
Second, it is nonsense. He has done little to address the root issue. OK I understtand the need to be diplomatic and adhere to protocol. Perhaps feeding the positive, no matter how far removed from reality, may plant a seed that will grow but one must be very careful in accepting certain positions that by default make the Shan State fall under part of a greater Union and render victory well in advance of any discussions on terms and conditions being negotiated under a ceasefire.
Jom Tai
Tags: Opinion