Despite President’s new ceasefire directive Burma Army continues offensive on SSA
Tuesday, 26 February 2013 09:42
On 23 February, the Shan State Progressive Party/ Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA) sent a letter to the President, containing six points, after which the Burma Army began to posture as if it was withdrawing, when in reality it was not doing anything of that nature.
Following the letter to the President, head of the north-eastern military command sent a message to Lashio SSPP/SSA liaison officer that the SSA should not ambush the Burma Army, while they collect their deaths.
“They were not just collecting their deaths and wounded but closing in on SSA positions. Also troops under the Military Operation Command 2 were reinforcing the area around Mong Awt, Mong Hsu Township. At the moment, military tension is on the rise around Wan Loi village and if armed conflict occurs it could be prolonged”, according to a SSPP/SSA officer.
On 18 February, army trucks from the central-eastern and north-eastern military commands entered SSPP/SSA controlled areas, followed by a total of five skirmishes on the same day, 20 February and 22 February.
“The government troops are to look after the security of DEA, which will be arriving on the 26 February. That is the reason why they are preparing to squeeze out of SSA troops out from the area with two battalions, so that the DEA could land with its helicopter. The said Pan Phi area in Mong Kong village tract is a steep valley and impossible for a helicopter to land. If DEA is really coming we could negotiate and could even give necessary security”, according to the same SSPP/SSA officer.
In a letter addressed to the President with subject titled “Appealing to stop the Burma Army offensive”, SSPP/SSA said that it really wants peace and have shown its good will by giving in to the demand of the government to withdraw from its three bases in 2012. The letter said that it troops are now based on mountain ranges around Tang Yang Township and appeal that the government troops to immediately stop the offensive.
Tags: News, War