How can you support CFOB!

The Canadian Friends of Burma (CFOB) has been working in support of democracy and human rights in Burma since early 1990s with major accomplishments in mobilization of Canadian support, policy recommendations to the governments of Canada and advocacy for Canada's assistance to refugees on the Thai-Burma border.

However, we are in the struggle for the continuation of the organization resulted from a major funding cut made by Inter Pares <> , Ottawa-based, CIDA-funded relief organization, over policy issue towards Burma. We definitely need your help and support to continue our work. Please do one of the followings, given your capacity:

How can you help!
1)   Become a member of CFOB (membership fee $30) – download the application <>

2)   Donate online at <>  website or mail a check to CFOB Office in Ottawa

3)   Hold fundraising events in your city and community in support of CFOB
We thank you in advance for all support you have provided and possible support in the future.

Transitional Team

Canadian Friends of Burma

The Canadian Friends of Burma (CFOB) is federally incorporated, national non-governmental organization working for democracy and human rights in Burma. Address: Suite 206, 145 Spruce St., Ottawa, K1R 6P1; Tel: 613.297-6835; Website:


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