SSA looks forward to a year of peaceful negotiations

The Restoration Council of Shan State / Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA), as the SSA South is officially known, issues a statement today to coincide with the Shan New Year’s Day which falls today.

“The RCSS/SSA will urge the people for their participation in the political negotiations with the government during the upcoming 2013,” it reads.

The statement takes stock of both the gains and the drawbacks that it had gone through following the ceasefire agreement signed on 2 December 2011.

Lt-Gen Yawd Serk (Photo: SHAN)

The gains include: freedom to consult with both the people and other movements and the opportunity to resort to peaceful means to settle problems.

The drawbacks include: continued fighting, resultant mistrust and public concern about the sustainability of the truce. “If fighting continues further, the plan to resolve the political issues by political means can founder,” reads the statement.

The SSA South nevertheless reaffirms its peace policy issued earlier in the year:

  • Unity with the people and other movements through consultations and exchange of views
  • To struggle for the right of self determination through peaceful means
  • Promotion of democratic administrative system
  • Uprooting the narcotics problem
  • Military means shall be the last resort


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